Assigning Applications to Users or Groups
Once you have published some applications, you can publish them to one or more users and/or groups.
To do so, double-click on the application you wish to assign or click on the application, then on the "Assign Application" tile:

The following window will be displayed. It allows you to assign applications to a selected user or group:

How to Assign an Application to a user (or a group)
You can either assign an application for all authenticated users or to specified users and groups.
If you wish to assign an application to a specific user or group, just click on "Add", then enter the name of the user or group you wish to assign the application:
On this example, Foxit will be assigned to the Remote Desktop Users Group.
Click on 'Ok":

Then on Save:

Manage applications per Users/Groups in bulk
The Applications - Users submenu allows you to see which applications are assigned per user or per group, by clicking on the "Select a User/Group" tile, then entering its name:

On this example, you can see that the Microsoft Remote Dekstop, Notepad, Foxit and OpenOffice where all assigned to the user "Edgar":

Rules for Microsoft Remote Desktop, BYODAPP Remote Taskbar, Floating Panel and Application Panel
- You can customize your user's work environment by assigning one application out of these four: Microsoft Remote Desktop, BYODAPP Remote TaskBar, Floating Panel and Application Panel.
- If no application is assigned to one user, he will see the Microsoft Remote Desktop which will display the Desktop folder shortcuts.
- If one user has several allocations plus the Microsoft Remote Desktop, he will see a remote desktop.
- If a user has several applications plus the BYODAPP TaskBar, he will see the TaskBar displaying his Desktop folder' shortcuts.
For more information on the Remote Taskbar, Floating and Application Panels, see these documentations: Remote Taskbar, Floating and Application Panels
Running scripts/programs on session opening
- If you want to start a script when the session opens, you must name it LOGON.BAT or LOGON.CMD and copy this script:
- In the Application Data folder of All Users if this script applies to all users,
- In the Application Data of the user if this script applies to this user.
- If you want to start a script on the client side when a session is opening, you just have to name a program STARTUP.EXE and to copy it at the home drive of the user PC (C:\startup.exe).
- If you want a program to be started as a service when the BYODAPP server reboots you have to name this program STARTUP.EXE and copy it in the folder:
C:\Program Files\BYODAPP\UserDesktop\Files\ .
See this video on how to Assign Applications.